Friday, January 31, 2020

Us Involvement in Mogadishu Essay Example for Free

Us Involvement in Mogadishu Essay In response to the impending starvation of hundreds of thousands of Somalians the United States entered Somalia in December 1992 to provide humanitarian aid and establish a functioning government as under the UN mandated United Nations Operation in Somalia II (UNISOM II). Acting as a replacement for the ineffectual United Nations Operation in Somalia I (UNOSOM I) mission UNISOM II was carried out by United States-controlled (UN-sanctioned) Unified Task Force (UNITAF). UNISOM was given the power to establish a stable environment in Somalia under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. On October 3, 1993 a battle between UNISOM joint forces and Somali militia ensued in Mogadishu. The operation was in decline following the two day battle of Mogadishu. In the fighting 18 US soldiers perished and a further 83 casualties were reported. The bodies of several US casualties were maimed and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu by an assortment of civilians and members Aidid’s Somali National Alliance. In response to the events pressure mounted for the immediate withdrawal of US troops. President Clinton announced in the days following that, â€Å"our mission from this day forward is to increase our strength, do our job, bring our soldiers out and bring them home† and that by mid 1994 all troops would be withdrawn. The US, for fear of a repeat of the events in Somalia reshaped foreign policy terms the years following. The resulting concept of the â€Å"Mogadishu Line† became intertwined in post Cold War international relations discourse. The withdrawal of US forces following the Battle of Mogadishu has been identified by its commentators as the key reason for the failure of US intervention in later conflicts such as the 1994 Rwanda Genocide. â€Å"The ghosts of Somalia continue to haunt US 2 What effect did US involvement in Mogadishu have on US foreign policy? policy. Our lack of response in Rwanda was a fear of getting involved in something like Somalia all over-again†1 Further instances of Clinton refusing to mobilize US ground troops: †¢ 200 lightly armed hostiles at the Haitian harbor of Port-au-Prince causing the withdrawal of the USS Harlan County a week after the Mogadishu battle †¢ Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995 †¢ August 1998 bombings of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania Killing 224 people and wounding more than 5,000 †¢ Clinton administration retaliates with missile strike on al-Qua’ida training camps at Zahwar Kili in Afghanistan Policy makers became more keen on risk avoidance. This became evident in a change in military tactics. Following the1998 bombings of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the failure to kill Osama bin Laden prompted for the construction of plans for an armed assault to capture the Saudi masterm ind. Officers within the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) â€Å"were eager to go after bin Laden† 2. The CIA’s evaluation of the plans estimated a 95 percent chance of successful SOCOM capture of bin Laden given the chance to launch. The plans for the operation were opposed by the top brass. According to a Pentagon officer there was â€Å"reluctance to even discuss pro-active measures associated with countering the terrorist threat through SOF operations.† 2. Concluding in a Pentagon study Richard Shultz expressed that â€Å"The Mogadishu disaster spooked the Clinton administration as well as the brass†2. There was a prolonged and persistent refusal to implement surgical special operations strikes in the face of increasing intelligence regarding unspecified al-Qa’ida plans to attack US targets. A team of 20 Delta operators and SEALs from Task Force 20 were intent on conducting a raid on a home in Mosul, Iraq. The team was backed by a force of app roximately 200 of the 101st Air Assault Division. Forces were repelled by small arms fire repeatedly. To deal with the threat US forces evacuated neighboring homes and fired 18 antitank missiles thus neutralizing the threat. Following the September 11th attacks â€Å"US policy makers became more risk acceptant in dealing with the threat posed by al-Qa’ida.† 2. 1 Former US deputy special envoy to Somalia, Walter Clarke. Command Posts (Aug 2010) â€Å"The Mogadishu Effect and Risk Acceptance† Retrieved August 2nd, 2012, from Command Post site: 2 3 What effect did US involvement in Mogadishu have on US foreign policy? Evaluation of Sources John S. Brown, Brigadier General, U.S. Army Chief of Military History. Taken from ‘The United States Army in Somalia 1992 1994‘ The source offers the perspective of a historian under military command who was alive at the time. With both hindsight and first hand knowledge the source allows for a more-complete over view of the situation. With the purpose of education, the source is trustworthy to have usable information, however it could very well contain altered information as it has been assembled by a member of the armed forces involved. This source in particular is valuable in that it provides an overall evaluation of US involvement in Somalia from incursion to excursion. With this being written by a member of the US armed forces there is a clear bias towards US service members. This is evident in the statement â€Å"The American soldier had, as always, done his best..†. The source highlights the scope of the blow to US forces during the operation and validates the US’s later decision to refrain from providing military aid on humanitarian missions to come. â€Å"fortytwo Americans died and dozens more were wounded†. While the source serves as an accurate recount of what happened during the operation and provides a brief insight into the events following (Bosnia) it is limited by failing to directly address the topic at hand. The source does not address United States foreign policy changes as a result of the conflict. Benjamin Runkle. August 27, 2011. Taken from ‘The â€Å"Mogadishu Effect† and Risk Acceptance’ The above source is an extract from an article written specifically concerning policy changes as a result of incidences during the US lead operations in Somalia. It has been taken from a site focusing on military history and policy. â€Å" was launched October 5, 2010, by St. Martin;s Press as a site for military history, current events, and fiction† 3. The purpose of this source is to provide relevant information to those seeking more in depth knowledge concerning Military history. â€Å"It is the intention of to foster a community that will engage the audience and provide a location rich in rational discourse and commentary, and find creative ways to support the m ilitary community† 4. Benjamin Runkle ‘is a former paratrooper 3 Command Posts (Oct 5, 2010) ‘About’ Retrieved Oct 30, 2012 the Command Posts site: http:// 4 Command Posts (Oct 5, 2010) ‘About’ Retrieved Oct 30, 2012 the Command Posts site: http:// 4 What effect did US involvement in Mogadishu have on US foreign policy? and presidential speechwriter, with a Harvard PhD, and a Bronze Star from Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has worked in the Department of Defense and the National Security Council, and is currently a Professional Staff Member on the House Armed Services Committee.’ This makes him a person who may have more direct knowledge concerning the topic. The source is limited in that Benjamin Runkle’s current affiliation with government organizations could result in some of the information being censored. The source supports the ideas concerning the ‘Mogadishu Line’ and its prevalence concerning following operations, especially those under the clinton administration. â€Å"The Clinton administration later declined to intervene to prevent repeated atrocities in Bosnia and a genocide in Rwanda due to its experience in the Aideed manhunt†.5 Analysis It became apparent following the unacceptable loss of U.S. lives in what was intended to be a humanitarian effort that changes needed to be made to the way the U.S. deals with foreign affairs and combat operations. A week following the Mogadishu battle the USS Harlan County was withdrawn from the Haitian harbor of Port-au-Prince. The ship was faced with lightly armed hostile demonstrators who’s numbers were well bellow 200. It became evident that the Clinton administration did not want a repeat of the events in Somalia where simple peace keeping initiatives would turn into hostile combat against the very the people the U.S. forces were sent to help. Bosnia and the Rwanda genocide were no different. As a result of its experiences the U.S. officials maintained a safe distance â€Å"deciding against taking a leading role†.7 in Rwanda. Instead public statements, diplomatic demarcates, initiatives for a ceasefire and attempts at contacting both the interim government perpetr ating the killing and the RPF were the chosen course of action. The U.S. further advocated that the UN refrain from a â€Å"robust response†. 7 With the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 people and wounding 5,000+, the Clinton administration opted for a missile strike on the al-Qa’ida training camps at Zahwar Kili, Afghanistan. Officers within the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) were keen to launch an infiltration assault to capture Osama bin Laden, head of al-Qa’ida. In spite of a high 95 percent CIA predicted success rate of capturing bin Laden, should forces be given the go ahead to launch, members of the top brass were not convinced. The plans received strong opposition. â€Å"The Mogadishu disaster spooked the Clinton administration as well as the Command Posts (Aug 2010) â€Å"The Mogadishu Effect and Risk Acceptance† Retrieved August 2nd, 2012, from Command Post site: mogadishueffect-and-risk-acceptance/ 5 5 What effect did US involvement in Mogadishu have on US foreign policy? brass.†6 It was evident in the Pentagon conducted study that there was â€Å"reluctance to even discuss pro-active measures associated with countering the terrorist threat through SOF operations.†7 Not only was the Battle of Mogadishu an exemplar for a raid to capture bin Laden. The failed 1980 operation â€Å"Desert One† was â€Å"repeatedly cited as a catastrophic precedent†7 in which a team attempted the rescue of American hostages in Iran. Chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff, General Hugh Shelton dismissed the proposed SOF raids as â€Å"dumb-ass ideas, not militarily feasible,† and â€Å"something in a Tom Clancy novel† which ignored â€Å"the time-distance factors.†7 In the face of increasing warnings of active al-Qa’ida plans for attacks on U.S. targets the refusal to consider â€Å"surgical special operations strikes in Afghanistan persisted.† A formidable team of 20 Delta operators and SEALs from Task Force 20 were intent on conducting a raid on a home in Mosul, Iraq. The team was backed by a force of approximately 200 of the 101st Air Assault Division which were situated themselves in support by fire positions to the South and northeast of the target building. Forces were repelled by small arms fire repeatedly. Commanders decided against laying siege as it was unknown if there would be escape tunnels leading away from the building. Fears were mounting for an insurgent retaliation, â€Å"trapping the U.S. forces in an ambush similar to Mogadishu.† To deal with the threat US forces evacuated neighboring homes and fired 18 antitank missiles thus neutralizing the threat. This action showed the unwillingness of US commanders to spare the lives of their men for an objective. Decreasing the number of U.S. casualties has become a priority in United States combat operations in foreign lands. Following the September 11th a ttacks â€Å"US policy makers have became more risk acceptant in dealing with the threat posed by al-Qa’ida.†. 6 Richard Shultz. Command Posts (Aug 2010) â€Å"The Mogadishu Effect and Risk Acceptance† Retrieved August 2nd, 2012, from Command Post site: 7 6 What effect did US involvement in Mogadishu have on US foreign policy? Conclusion As a result of the tragic loss of U.S. lives in Mogadishu changes in foreign policy were issued in attempt to â€Å"prevent repeated atrocities† in future conflicts. The American public became and its leaders became sensitive to the thought of loosing more American lives. For the remainder of the Clinton administration policy towards foreign conflicts was more reserved. U.S. officials took a restrained position on conflicts concerning lands or military operations of a likeness to that of their hunt for Aideed. The losses at Mogadishu and the similar loss during the 1980 â€Å"Desert One† mission combined to restructure the way officials approached military objectives. A higher value was placed on the lives of soldiers which resulted in an increased use of alternative methods such as direct missile strikes to neutralize a thread or complete restrained actions in response to a hostile situation such as Rwanda. 7 What effect did US involvement in Mogadishu have on US foreign policy? Bibliography †¢ ‘About’ [section detailing Website purpose] Command Posts (Oct 5, 2010) Retrieved Oct 30, 2012 the Command Posts site: acceptance/ †¢ â€Å"Battle of Mogadishu† Wikepedia (2012) Retrieved June 5th, 2012, from Wikepedia site: †¢ â€Å"Bosnia and

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Physics of Gymnastics :: physics sport sports gymnast gymnastics

Gymnasts use physics everyday. As a gymnast I never realized how much physics went into every motion, every back handspring, every mistake on the bars. If gymnasts were physicists (or at least knew more about physics) they would be better equipped to handle the difficult aspects of gymnastics. As a gymnast I learned the motions that were necessary to complete the tricks that I was working on, and as a coach I taught others the same. I never truly understood why a particular angle gave me a better back handspring or why the angle that I hit a springboard at really mattered when completing a vault. We are going to explore some of the different apparatuses in gymnastics and a few of the physics laws that are involved in them. We will not even barely scratch the surface of the different ways that physics can explain gymnastics. Newton's Laws Newton's Laws can be found in the textbook, Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway. Newton's First Law An object remains at rest, or in motion, unless an external force acts upon it. Newton's Second Law The acceleration of a body or object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body or object and is inversely proportional to its mass. F = ma Newton's Third Law For every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force. The Floor There are many aspects of physics found on the floor. The gymnast performs on a floor that "measures 12 x 12 meters, with an additional safety border of 1 metre. The performance area must have a surface elasticity, to allow for power during take-off and softness for landing." (FIG) The surface elasticity found in the floor mat gives the gymnast extra bounce which increases her momentum. Let's examine a basic tumbling run. All three of Newton's Laws can be seen in this one tumbling run. We can see Newton's first law before the gymnast takes even one step. Until she takes a step, the gymnast is at rest. When she is ready to tumble the gymnast applies the force. A gymnast takes a running start when approaching a tumbling run, and as she is moving across the floor she is increasing her momentum. This is a demonstration of Newton's second law.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Strong and Durable Digging Equipment – Excavator and Its Parts

Digging equipments for construction is a very strong and durable one. They are usually made of steel which can carry heavy materials without breaking and dig to the ground with the use of the excavator bucket teeth. This part of the machine is built like this so that it will break down the materials that it will dig and it would be easier for the machine to do its task because of this feature. As a result also, it is easier for the bucket to dig through the earth and scoop it up for easy loading and unloading. Excavation is part of a construction project that requires heavy equipment machinery specifically an excavator bucket. It is an attachment that is very useful in construction projects that requires a lot of digging like in making bridges, trenches, ditches and also in mining. The bucket is an application that can be attached even at cranes, tractors, and other construction machinery. As the word itself, its main purpose is to dig and load a larger volume of material that is of great help and at the same time convenient to the workers at mining and construction sites. The excavator bucket suppliers have designed this very efficient machine for a lot of purposes. In the construction area, it is used to break the soil and remove it for the purpose of making trenches, ditches or bridges. Aside from the soil, it can dig through any materials that are within its capacity. In landscaping, it generally is used to excavate the earth so that the area will be designed according to the plans. Moreover, it is used for mining wherein it clears the ground for different mining tasks. In addition it can even dig to the ground to gather raw materials like ore and rocks. Operation of the excavator bucket requires you to be responsible of maintaining it in good shape. Like other machines, it must be checked for any damage and parts that needs to be fixed for it to work well in the area. You must be responsible in keeping it functional and efficient for you to accomplish your work according to your plans. The excavator parts all work together in order to appropriately perform its task. The bucket has a point of attachment wherein it is designed to move and be maneuvered easily according to the wishes of the operator. The tasks and the area that the machine will be used will determine its size. Large and heavy equipment ones are more preferable if you are going to use it on larger projects. Moreover, a compact or smaller in size construction machinery is recommended for small areas and not so big projects. The excavator bucket is indeed very useful in different areas especially that it is a very durable and powerful equipment in digging up materials based on its capacity. It serves a lot of purposes to workers and contractors. Maintenance is also easier if you do daily checkups and inspection on the equipment daily before you proceed with your tasks. Jaw breakers: http://www. hxjq-crusher. com/1. html vibratory feeder: http://www. hxjqchina. com/product-list_14. html combination crusher: http://www. hxjqchina. com/product-list_16. html

Monday, January 6, 2020

Negative Reinforcement Is A Good Form Of Discipline

Parenting can be very difficult to those who are parents whether they are a mother a father or a guardian. Parents are obligated to find disciplining techniques that are suitable, and to the world, acceptable. Many people think that negative reinforcement is a good form of discipline, but what they don’t know is its causes increase in the behavior. There are two forms of discipline, as said above it talks about negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is where a parent thinks that they are helping the child by responding and dealing with the situation negatively showing the child to fight fire with fire. Reinforcement is often confused with punishment. Punishment is defined as showing the child that they were wrong by teaching them†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Parental discipline is a method for teaching self-control and adapted, acceptable behavior (Papalia, Olds, Feldman, 2008), where parents can opt for punitive as well as nonpunitive methods (Socolar et al., 2007; Socolar et al., 2005; Straus Fauchier, 2007). In this light, disciplining children is regarded as a preventive and a corrective parental method by which parents try to limit the unacceptable behavior of their children† (Straus Fauchier, 2007). â€Å"Studies have shown that parents tend to use largely nonpunitive methods in their parenting efforts† (Poljak, 2009; Socolar et al., 2007; Straus Field, 2003; Straus Stewart, 1999). The research on the Slovenian population by Poljak (2009) showed that 61% of the parents reported using at least one form of corporal punishment; 83% used at least one form of psychological aggression; one third of the parents reported having spanked, hit, or slapped their children in the past year; and one sixth reported having used a wooden spoon, brush, belt, or other object for exerting corporal punishment on their 10-year-olds. Research from the United States by Straus and Field (2003) showed that 88.6% of parents used at least one method of psychological aggression. According to research from Straus and Stewart (1999), 43.1% of parents reported using their hands to spank their 9- toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Proven Methods Of Child Discipline1465 Words   |  6 Pagesapproach this task correctly? 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